The summer months can be tough without constant access to a pool, and your dog has to contend with an entire fur coat on top of the heat!

With a little extra safety measures, you and your dog can enjoy everything the summer has to offer. Here are some tips for keeping your dog cool in the heat of summer:

Avoid hot asphalt.
When it gets really hot, the asphalt can heat to scorching temperatures, which can burn sensitive paw pads. Blacktop and sand can also get quite hot. To be sure it’s the safe footing for your pup, test it out on your own bare feet first. If your dog appears to be hopping from paw to paw or seeking out shaded areas, that’s a sure sign the ground is too hot for them to walk on. Stick to grass or the cool dirt whenever possible or invest in some dog booties. 

Give your dog ample access to water.
Just like you tend to drink more water during the summer months, your dog needs extra hydration as well. Leave an extra bowl of water out for them and be sure to change it out daily. Drinking water is a must, but if possible, take your dog swimming or let them romp around in a baby pool as well. They need different options to cool off. Do not leave your dog outside for prolonged periods of time if it’s really hot. Shade and shelter is a must, and dog houses can be stifling during the summer. 

Never leave your dog in a hot car.
It should go without saying, but leaving a dog in a hot car is a death sentence. A car is like an oven during the summer. Even with the windows cracked, the temperatures can skyrocket within minutes of turning the car off. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Cars parked in direct sunlight can reach internal temperatures up to 131°F to 172°F when it’s 80°F to 100°F outside.” Not to mention, passersby may break your windows trying to free your dog!

Opt for early morning or evening walks.
If you need to brave the outdoors, try taking your walks during the early morning hours or after dusk when the temperatures are cooler. Not only will this help to avoid heatstroke, but also sunburns (yes – your dog can sunburn too!). Some dogs even have sensitive eyes and could require dog sunglasses or “Doggles” in the bright sunlight. 

Know the signs of heatstroke.
Heatstroke can be fatal if your dog does not get immediate attention. The telltale signs are rapid pulse, heavy panting, glassy eyes, and excessive drooling. Farther along in the process, your dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, or seizures. If your dog is suffering from a heat stroke, it’s critical that you reduce their body temperature quickly. Remove them from the sun and head for a shaded area. Apply cold compresses and let them drink water or lick ice cubes. Too much cold water can send a heat-stroked dog into shock, so be careful with the intake.

Looking for a new experience for your dog this summer? Our Dog Boarding Facility offer activities that your dog will surely love and at the same time prioritizes safeness with the help of professional trainers.